International Second Language Proficiency
0 ZERO PROFICIENCY 无任何基础 Unable to communicate in the language. 无法用英语进行交流
0+ FORMULAIC PROFICIENCY 机械运用语言 Able to perform in a very limited capacity within the most immediate, predictable areas of need, using essentially formulaic language. 能在非常有限的领域、日常生活中机械式的使用习惯用语 1- MINIMUM ‘CREATIVE’ PROFICIENCY 具备创新潜能的语言水平 Able to satisfy immediate, predictable needs, using predominantly formulaic language. 能使用典型语句,满足即时需要
1 BASIC TRANSACTIONAL PROFICIENCY 基本日常语言交流水平 Able to satisfy basic everyday transactional needs. 能基本满足日常生活中语言交流的需要 1+ TRANSACTIONAL PROFICIENCY 顺利完成日常语言交流 Able to satisfy everyday transactional needs and limited social needs. 能在正常的日常生活及有限的社会生活中使用语言
2 BASIC SOCIAL PROFICIENCY 基础社交能力水平 Able to satisfy basic social needs, and routine needs pertinent to everyday commerce and to linguistically undemanding ‘vocational’ fields. 能在基本的社会交流,每天的日常事务及相关的职业领域中简单的使用英语2+ SOCIAL PROFICIENCY 社交能力水平
3 BASIC ‘VOCATIONAL’ PROFICIENCY 职业语言基础水平 Able to perform effectively in most informal and formal situations pertinent to social and community life and everyday commerce and recreation, and in situations which are not linguistically demanding in own ‘vocational’ fields. 能在大部分社交、日常生活及娱乐相关的正式及非正式场合,对语言没有苛刻要求的相关职业领域流利的使用英语 3+ BASIC ‘VOCATIONAL’ PROFICIENCY PLUS 职业语言提高水平
4 ‘VOCATIONAL’ PROFICIENCY 熟练运用职业语言 Able to perform very effectively in almost all situations pertinent to social and community life and everyday commerce and recreation, and generally in almost all situations pertinent to own ‘vocational’ fields. 基本能在所有的社会、社交生活、日常生活、娱乐中及与工作相关的大部分职业领域非常流利的使用英语
4+ ADVANCED ‘VOCATIONAL’ PROFICIENCY 熟练运用高级职业语言 5 NATIVE-LIKE PROFICIENCY 精通外语 Proficiency equivalent to that of a native speaker of the same sociocultural variety. 相当于以英语为母语的并且受过教育的人的英语水平