一为了交通 方便楼下面的人穿过 比如 跨街道的骑楼
另一方面是为了解决视线遮挡 将建筑架空 视线可以从下部穿过看到建筑后的景观。当地白天炎热,昼夜温差大。
Guangzhou overhang structure is divided into three sections: section for about 4 meters wide corridor column column, for the middle floor, upper segment for cornice or pediment; Down the street side in the layer window the following metope or cornice window lintel place mostly have rich decorative pattern or shallow relief. In accordance with the architectural style, guangzhou overhang and can be divided into xiguan overhang and dongshan overhang two schools. Xiguan is the overhang the ceilings of the early representative, the outward appearance is mainly adopts the adornment of the baroque style combining building and the design of the body most directly with Roman decorative features, dongshan overhang form s than xiguan overhang slightly late, tend to be more modern and more concise.