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2023-09-25 85 0


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che ku
1.a garage


简明英汉词典精简版 garage [5^ArB:(d)V] n. 汽车间, 修车厂, 车库 v. 放入车库 爱心词典 garage n. 车库, 汽车修理厂, 机库 vt. 把车送入修车场 相关资料 n.[C] 1. 车房,车库;飞机库 2. 汽车修理厂 He worked in a garage as a mechanic. 他在汽车修理厂当技工。 vt. 1. 把(汽车等)送入车库(或修理厂) 提供人:词友 最后补充:小樱Gina 更多>> garage n. 车库, 汽车修理厂, 机库 vt. 把车送入修车场 相关资料 n.[C] 1. 车房,车库;飞机库 2. 汽车修理厂 He worked in a garage as a mechanic. 他在汽车修理厂当技工。 vt. 1. 把(汽车等)送入车库(或修理厂) 提供人:词友 最后补充:小樱Gina 更多>> 七国语言机械工程大词典[英] garage [俄] авторемонтнаямастерская [德] autoreparaturwerkstatt [法] garage , atelier de réparation automobile [中] 汽车维修厂, 汽车修理间 (qiche weixiuchang, qiche xiulijian) [日] 自动车縦理紘场 (じどうしゃしゅうりこうじょう) , (jidosha shuri kojo) [韩] 샅눼쌈뷩땠북 (jadongcha suriso) 七国语言建筑大词典[英] garage [俄] гараж [德] garage [法] garage [中] 汽车库 (qicheku) [日] ヌレ―ヘ (がれ じ) , (gareji) [韩] 쌈겔 (chago) 七国语言公共大词典[英] garage [俄] гараж [德] garage [法] garage [中] 车库 (cheku) [日] 车库 (しゃこ) , (shako) [韩] 쌈겔 (chago) 简明英汉词典 garage [5^ArB:(d)V] n. 汽车间, 修车厂, 车库 v. 放入车库 现代英汉综合大辞典 garage [5^ArB:(d)V] n. 汽车库,修车场 飞机库 servicegarage 服务站 underground garage 井下电机车库 词性变化 garage [5^ArB:(d)V] vt. 把(汽车)开进车库[修理厂] 继承用法 garageman [`^ArB:dVmEn;^E`r-] n. 汽车库工人, 汽车修理厂工人 garage [5^ArB:(d)V] n. 汽车库,修车场 飞机库 servicegarage 服务站 underground garage 井下电机车库 词性变化 garage [5^ArB:(d)V] vt. 把(汽车)开进车库[修理厂] 继承用法 garageman [`^ArB:dVmEn;^E`r-] n. 汽车库工人, 汽车修理厂工人 英汉计算机词汇 garage (存取臂)存放区 garage (存取臂)存放区 用法词典 garage 来自法语garer保护,保存 garage 来自法语garer保护,保存 英汉航海大词典 garage n.汽车库,汽车修理房 英汉消防大词典 garage ①汽车修理工厂, 汽车库 ②(飞)机库 美国传统词典第四版[英英] garage ga·rage AHD:[g*-räzh¥, -räj¥] n. A building or indoor space in which to park or keep a motor vehicle. A commercial establishment where cars are repaired, serviced, or parked. tr.v. ga raged ga rag·ing ga rag·es To put or store in a garage. 语源 French from garer[to shelter] from Old French garer, guerrer [of Germanic origin] * see wer- 4 继承用法 ga·rage¥a·ble adj. Wordnet词典 garage garages garaged garaging Noun an outbuilding (or part of a building) for housing automobiles (hypernym) outbuilding (hyponym) carport, car port a repair shop where cars and trucks are serviced and repaired (synonym) service department (hypernym) repair shop, fix-it shop Verb keep or store in a garage; we don't garage our car (hypernym) store garage garages garaged garaging Noun an outbuilding (or part of a building) for housing automobiles (hypernym) outbuilding (hyponym) carport, car port a repair shop where cars and trucks are serviced and repaired (synonym) service department (hypernym) repair shop, fix-it shop Verb keep or store in a garage; we don't garage our car (hypernym) store






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